59: Up-level Your Vacation

How often do you need a vacation from your vacation?

Last week, the podcast was about needs vs. wants and this week Maren and Stephanie take that discussion into the practical realm of vacations. Much of the northern hemisphere takes time off in August – time to spend with families, get away from work, do something for ourselves and to recharge our batteries. And we come home a bit worn down, with a lack of energy, drained just when we need our energy the most. 

What if, instead, you could get maximum return on your time off, the time you’ve invested? What if the fun you’ve planned actually happens AND the deeper level ‘needs’ get met? So you come home with a fully charged battery ready (and excited) for what is next.

Stephanie and Maren not only help you shift your perspective from vacations (vacating-ions) to holidays (whole-I-days), they really dig into “what are your needs?” and “how are you going to get them met?”  

As humans, everything we do follows the intentions we set. As leaders, we are use this awareness at work, most of the time we don’t consider it when we take time for ourselves. The result? We come home feeling like we need time and space even though we just took it!

This week’s episode includes:

  • Working while on holiday- messy assumptions, reality and setting boundaries
  • Alternative thoughts – is your work your passion? you may want to take it with you, or you may need some time away
  • Using a holiday to break the habit of being yourself 
  • The opportunity of your holiday… how do you want to evolve
  • Intentionally planning your time away to get your needs met
  • Creating and consulting ‘the Oracle’
  • Getting physical needs and wants met automatically …by flipping the script
  • Clear yes and no boundaries
  • Holidays as a playground for retirements.
  • Allowing yourself more space, more freedom, more money

“I believe we’re here for a reason, both Maren and I do, and that we need to make space for that reason to actually emerge. And that’s our dialogue and conversation with the one who sent us. So another great opportunity to take a holiday, or a ‘whole I day’, so that you can make that space to have that conversation with your heart with your soul to say, who am I? Why am I here? And what what am I being called to both give and receive in my next chapter?” Stephanie J. Allen

Link to last week’s podcast: Ep 58 Navigating Needs & Wants
Link to Ep 19: Healthy Boundaries


As always, we want to hear from YOU!

  • What were YOUR key take-aways, or a-ha moments from today’s podcast?

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