84: Beyond Burnout w/Michelle Leotta

Do you know the symptoms of burnout? Do you ever ignore ongoing physical ailments so you can ‘just keep going’? If so, you might be like today’s guest who was ‘pushing through’ her life thinking her exhaustion, dizzy spells and other chronic issues were ‘normal’. 

This week’s very special guest, Michelle Leotta, experienced burnout herself and decided to dedicate her life to not only studying it, but to helping women heal this very pressing issue. Stephanie and Maren often talk about the ‘inward journey’ and sometimes there are ‘outer’ steps that must be addressed before we can look within. 

Sometimes we’re so overwhelmed with life that we don’t even know where to start. Michelle knows what that’s like and is helping women make space in their lives to get healthy. You can access her free stress assessment here.

If you are in ‘overwhelm’, going from thing to thing, and need some support, this podcast is for you. Michelle gives us some really wonderful guidance around burnout, how to recognize it and how to overcome it.

  • 05:04 Michelle’s Burnout Story, the normalcy of being uncomfortable
  • 12:00 Anxiety meds and discovery, the go getter’s journey
  • 13:54 Rock bottom & following the thread
  • 19:59 There’s no ‘one right answer’/one size doesn’t fit all
  • 22:56 I can make big changes
  • 33:36 burnout = being out of alignment, the choices we make

Free Stress Assessment: shesgotpower.com/free

She’s Got Power.com

Maren on She’s Got Power Podcast: Ep 83 The High Achiever’s Next Step

Podcast 77 (things we Tolerate) Delights in Everyday Moments


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