157: Inner Leadership- Awaken Your Potential

“How we lead others is how we lead ourselves.”

What does that even mean?
And how does it help me as a person, and as a leader?

We are different with different people – we’re one way with our spouse, another with our boss, another with our teams – we take on different personas. Last week Maren and Stephanie talked about this ‘inner’ cast of characters and this week they share three powerful practices to actually find AND develop those different parts of ourselves.

As humans (and leaders), when we choose to work within, it shifts everything outside- for the better.

If you want to be less judgmental, have more energy and life force, achieve your goals more quickly and own characteristics you admire in others, bookmark this episode for yourself.

You can also download the transcript to go more deeply.

  • 00:32 The treasure hunt starts inside
  • 03:20 The minute you impact somebody’s life, you’re a leader – do it with awareness, and consciousness and willingness
  • 05:11 Practice 1: Shifting an irritation – the path to less judgment (towards yourself AND others), more energy and more life force
    • Take an external irritation (a situation or a person) and acknowledge that what you there is actually going on within you. Others see it and denying it doesn’t make it not true.
  • 12:09 Practice 2: Claiming your greatness – own those qualities!
    • Notice the people you think are amazing, the qualities you appreciate – those are also in you, or you would not see them. Look in a mirror and claim them.
  • 17:05 Practice 3: Connecting to your incoming future – becoming more than your past
    • Who is your future self? Connect to that version of you – that incoming wave is powerful. This is a great exercise to do before bed, to feed into your subconscious.

“The minute you impact somebody’s life, you’re a leader.” – Maren Oslac and Stephanie J. Allen


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