What if the skills you’ll need to retire well are also the skills you need to live well? And to lead well?
It turns out, they are. Retirement is not just reserved for a stage late in life when you’re not working anymore, it happens throughout our lives on multiple levels. So having some skill with it can literally change your whole world.
Imagine a part of yourself that you’d love to ‘retire’. Maybe you’d love to take the complaining part of you and set it aside, or be done with the part of you that gets anxious? We think about retiring from work or retiring for the evening, and we can apply that concept to letting go of the parts of ourselves that don’t serve us anymore.
The idea that when we retire from something it’s all sunshine and roses is false. In reality, 99% of the time, there’s actually a struggle, a push back and a loss of identity.
Creating a regular ‘retiring’ practice will up-level your life and make the continual ongoing process of growth easier. It will also build a powerful skill set, one that will keep you from getting caught in downward spirals like the trap in which most retirees get caught. Riley Moynes has a great TEDTalk and book that outline the 4 stages of retirement – and they are not all sunshine and roses.
In this week’s insightful podcast, Stephanie and Maren use a ton of great examples to illustrate how we get stuck, AND how to get UNstuck by using the concept of ‘retirement’ as a regular practice.
You will want to share this with your colleagues and teams!
- 00:31 Retiring parts of our ourselves, who would you be without it
- 04:42 Marriage metaphor, lifting the inner veils
- 07:14 Exiting the ‘tired’ trap
- 10:06 If I’m not —–, then who would I be?
- 12:10 5am Club and what works for you
- 14:10 The identity of a people pleaser
- 19:15 You can’t ‘fix’ someone else, what you can do instead
- 21:39 Practical work example
- 26:27 Four Stages of Retirement
26:27 Four Stages of Retirement TedX Talk
(“How to Squeeze All the Juice Out of Retirement” – Riley Moynes)
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