162: Why Are You Here?

For what purpose were you born in this time?
In this place?
With these people?
In this situation?

There is a reason.

“For every single problem, there is a solution right next to it. And those solutions are us.” – Maren Oslac

Life is more than meeting, or even exceeding, societal expectations. Ask anyone who has climbed that ladder. As leaders, we often feel pressured into doing all the ‘right’ things and checking off the boxes. And we lose ourselves in the process. Meaning is what we really seek and that is found in discovering, and doing, our life’s mission.

Today’s episode touches something deep inside that’s been calling to us. Maren and Stephanie are articulate and bring both hope and joy to what could be scary, anxiety inducing subject matter.

You’ll want to share this with those around you, leaders or not.

  • 00:32 We are the ones we’ve been waiting for
  • 02:52 Overwhelm. Anxiety. Now what?
  • 06:25 We’re in it together
  • 09:44 It’s not a check-box, it’s a conversation
  • 12:07 Getting over “I’ve arrived”
  • 18:25 The power is in the small things
  • 20:12 What if there’s something else?
  • 22:47 Your assignment is going to change you
  • 25:15 Where do you start?


Watch on Youtube


26:12 Book – Caravan of Remembering

26:18 Corporations – HuPerson Project

26:34 Small Business, Solopreneurs – The Soulful Leader Project

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