173: From Drama to Empowerment

Think about that time when you were so irritated you could barely see straight. That’s emotional hijacking – it happens more than we notice AND it costs us way more than we realize.

It can cost you a client, a team member, a partnership or even your reputation. As a leader, you definitely want an alternative.

In today’s podcast, Maren and Stephanie talk about Maren’s personal experience of being emotionally hijacked that led her to almost transfer her emotions onto her husband. 

This vulnerable, real and funny discussion travels through the Drama Triangle (victim, violator, rescuer), the importance of creating a safe space within oneself and the role of imagination in shifting out of the drama. Most importantly, Maren and Stephanie share a favorite tool to break the drama cycle and literally build new, more empowering pathways in the brain.  

  • 00:31 Complete irritation
  • 04:04 Safe space
  • 06:55 Drama Triangle
  • 10:37 An alternative, space to re-story
  • 15:54 Five versions
  • 20:01 Where to start, the power of practice
  • 24:11 Co-Creation Circle

Does this type of work interest you?
Be sure to check out Maren & Stephanie’s 2025 Co-Creation Circle. It’s built for leaders that want to go more deeply into changing their world, into making shift happen – from the inside out.


12:05 Halloween Podcast: Ep 170 More Energy, Your Shadow’s Gift

20:43 Joe Dispenza YouTube Video


YouTube Video

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