174: Unwrapping Presence

Have you ever struggled with any aspect of the holiday season?
If so, you’ll want to tune into today’s podcast.

If you could do holidays differently, what might that look like? And why? 
What would it mean to you to get you in touch with your own inner presence and your gifts?

Mass consumerism, big business, advertising and social media have co-opted our holidays. AND, we’ve internalized the pressure to do ‘all the stuff’, be everything to everyone and to have all parts looking ‘just right’. All of this is at our own expense. We are the casualties.

👉🏻 Most importantly, we are also the solution.

In this week’s podcast, Stephanie and Maren talk about holidays from a different perspective – from the internal. They:

  • Share how they empower themselves at the holidays
  • Delve into the word holiday (holy day, hole-y day, filled with holes)

“There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.” – Leonard Cohen

If you’ve ever struggled with any aspect of the holiday season, you will appreciate this podcast. Please share it with a friend that might benefit from hearing it as well.


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