91: Finding the Keys in the Darkness: Empowering the Inner Feminine

Stories with Stephanie! This engaging podcast shifts the outdated feminine narrative with the power of storytelling.

Yes, today’s podcast starts with the delightful story of the Lost Keys and ends with the tale of the Loathsome Hag, Stephanie and Maren will have you fully engaged, laughing, wondering what happens next, all while shifting your inner perspective.

Please share your favorite parts on FB or LI and make sure you tune in for part 2, Episode 92, next week where Maren & Stephanie discuss how all of this applies directly to business.

  • 00:42 Nasreddin and the Lost Keys
  • 04:12 Finding your inner sunshine
  • 08:12 I’m tired of my worth being defined by the outer, I feel the longing, there’s something more
  • 12:36 Being ‘someone else’ at work than you are at home
  • 16:09 King Arthur and What Women Want
  • 22:53 It’s what the feminine inside of all of us is seeking
  • 25:30 What’s the sunny beach calling you to? And who are you when you are there?


Rachel Marie Martin. “sometimes you have to let go of the picture of what you thought life would be like, and learn to find the joy in the story you’re actually living.”

Books we found with stories like the ones Stephanie shared:

50 Tales of Nasreddin (the version in this book is called the Lost Ring)

The Loathsome Hag (a fun version of the old Welsh tale)

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