101: Your Legacy Happens Everyday

Legacy is your big, audacious goal, right? Your ‘what am I leaving behind?’ moment. Money for my family, a business, something I’ve changed in the world, etc.

What if it’s much closer to home than that?

What if your legacy was made up of all the little moments of your life, woven into a tapestry?

This is the true legacy we leave behind. How we interact, how someone feels about themselves when they are with us, that is what will be remembered. And that’s an inside job. That takes self awareness and making conscious choices.

This week’s podcast is particularly powerful. Stephanie and Maren are vulnerable and open, sharing stories and anecdotes that will get you both thinking AND shifting from your head to your heart. If you are ready to leave a powerful, impactful legacy, tune in and open up the possibilities.

“What are the footprints that I’m leaving behind in my life as I interact with people, as I move through spaces, as I live my life?” ~ Maren

  • 00:41 What are the footprints you want to leave behind in your life
  • 05:04 Your legacy is the seeds you plant with each action
  • 15:04 I just want to talk to a human being
  • 20:24 A moment to change an entire trajectory
  • 23:52 How you treat another is how you treat yourself
  • 25:36 Permission


After years of doing this work with clients, we’ve put together this live online, group workshop so that more people can access their personal flow state.

It’s the first time we’re doing this in a group setting, which means – YOU get our ‘beta’ pricing. Use the code ‘wise99’ to get the class for $99.

INCLUDES: 4 interactive sessions, Genius test & report, access to recordings


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