Amplify the future you want

The Inner Impact of the Solar Eclipse

This week’s news was the total Eclipse that was experienced across a path of North America. Whether you were in that path, or not, the Eclipse held, and holds, power for you.

  • The Tibetans say that an Eclipse amplifies what’s in your heart, your intentions.
  • The Navajo Nation traditionally treat the Solar Eclipse as a sacred time to stay inside and quietly meditate.
  • The Buddhists say that repercussions of actions taken during a Solar Eclipse multiply by hundreds of millions of times, both good and bad.

In our ‘proof is needed’ society, many people will simply dismiss this week’s occurrence as just a cool astronomical event and quickly move on with their lives. That is a missed opportunity, and as leaders, missing an opportunity to up-level ourselves and our teams is akin to negligence.

Let’s look at just one aspect of science that is finally catching up with what the mystics have known for years.

We’ve now know that the planets, particularly the sun and moon, have definite energetic effects on all living things. The microcosm of our bodies is intimately affected by the macrocosmic movement of the celestial bodies.

An obvious example of this is the tides. We see, feel and experience the power of tides – our ‘evidence’. The human body is made up of over 75% water, so why wouldn’t the sun and moon impact us?

Eclipses, in general, amplify the pulling effect of the sun and moon bodies on the waters of the earth – and the waters in our bodies. Water is the element of emotions, so it’s common for many of us to feel things more deeply AND for those imprints to be amplified.

Solar eclipse energy in particular brings extra power to the reflective, introverted mood of a new moon. A solar eclipse takes that quiet power and silences the biggest source of light and energy we experience in the sky.

That symbology alone is impactful and there is so much we don’t yet know.

Choosing your thoughts (instead of being run by them) as an everyday exercise is a completely life altering path. Going into, and coming out of, an eclipse period (where thoughts, decisions and actions are deeply imprinted and exponentially amplified) with consciousness takes it to another level.

It’s a powerful opportunity to set up the brilliant future you want to live into.

“It always seems impossible until it is done.”

– Nelson Mandela

Here are a few questions to ponder this week as you contemplate the future you want to amplify.

  • What did you notice in your body, around you, or in your life during the eclipse?
  • If you could consciously choose an intention to hold during an eclipse, what would it be?
  • How could you incorporate an ‘eclipse pause’, a moment where you stop the busyness and connect to the power of the universe in which we dwell, into your daily life?

See you next week!

In Gratitude,
Maren & Stephanie