60: Cultivating True Freedom

Have you ever wondered, ‘where do I fit?’ or ‘what is the meaning ?’

Then today’s podcast is for you.

Shelly Cooper’s early life set her up to seek meaning and a reason for being while most kids her age were just trying to fit in. Her life felt very limiting and she began asking questions like “Why am I here?” and  “What is this all about?” to find a reason to participate in life.

Today, as CEO of Taylor Group and founder of Cultivating Freedom, Shelly is transforming leaders’ lives and helping them up-level the paradigm of their businesses.

“The greatest gift that we’ve been given is choice. And most of the time we don’t have it, and we don’t know we don’t have it” ~Shelly Cooper

A few of the highlights of today’s powerful interview:

  • When you’re a seeker of truth you go beyond the trauma to find the healing… how to do that in a compassionate, inspiring way
  • You’re actually not in choice… the Defining moments that programed you to respond the way you do
  • How Autofill is dictating your life, and what to do about it
  • Shelly’s life quest: to provide quicker, more compassionate access to change for more people

Links from today’s podcast:

Ep.51 – Shifting Chronic Illness: Maren’s Healing Journey

Cultivating Freedom – next class starts September 8th

Taylor Group, 503-243-2846.

  • Is there an Autofill that you notice in your own life?
  •  What would you be free to do/become without it?

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