70: Transcending Expectations

Did you know that there is an antidote to expectations? There is, and it’s not what you’d ‘expect’!  How do you know if you’re living from a place of expectations?  What’s the alternative?

One of our listeners asked about expectations in our Facebook group and it sparked an amazing conversation. From dissecting expectations and where they come from, to just being done with them… Maren and Stephanie hold nothing back.

In this episode, they use some very specific examples to get into the nitty gritty of this great topic, including addressing:

  • Feeling broken and the ‘not-enough’ disease (Not good enough, Not doing enough, etc)
  • What to do with the fix it mentality and its domino effect
  • Personal Will and the Soul’s Will: Your Soul wants something more for You
  • The stuff that stays stuck in our cells creating dis-ease
  • What is encoded in your DNA?
  • Exit stage left, except it comes back around, so maybe look at it now
  • The antidote to expectations
  • Is it a breakdown, or a break though?
  • Rebellion, resignation and the whispers of our soul
  • There is an alternative to chase, chase, chase…

“The moment you let go of expectations, your serenity will improve .”~ Stephanie J. Allen

Did you notice any expectations in your own life of which you were ready to let go? 
If we were to dedicate an episode of our podcast to a problem that you’re currently facing, what would that be?

Please share your insights from the podcast, as well any questions you might have in one of our Soulful Leaders groups:

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Episode 67: Your Life’s Impact with Daniel & Jill

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